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'Por que tendes tanto medo, homens fracos na fé?' Então, levantando-se, ameaçou os ventos e

Foto do escritor: Pascom NS da GloriaPascom NS da Gloria

“'Por que tendes tanto medo, homens fracos na fé?' Então, levantando-se, ameaçou os ventos e o mar, e fez-se uma grande calmaria.” Mt 8,26

As causas e consequências das leis naturais criadas por Deus se sucedem em perfeita ordenação. De modo que um único fio de cabelo não cai de nossa cabeça sem que Deus esteja ciente. E ao contemplar a natureza, percebemos o querer de Deus como a causa origem de todas as causas da Criação. Deus está acima de tudo o que nos acontece. Se somos Seus filhos... O que tememos?

13° Terça-feira do Tempo Comum . . 🇪🇸 “'¿Por qué tienen tanto miedo, hombres débiles en la fe?' Luego, levantándose, amenazó a los vientos y al mar, y hubo una gran calma ”. Mt 8,26

Las causas y consecuencias de las leyes naturales creadas por Dios se suceden en perfecto orden. Entonces, un solo cabello no se cae de nuestra cabeza sin que Dios se dé cuenta. Y cuando contemplamos la naturaleza, percibimos la voluntad de Dios como la causa raíz de todas las causas de la Creación. Dios está por encima de todo lo que nos pasa. Si somos sus hijos ... ¿A qué le tememos?

13º martes del tiempo ordinario . . 🇺🇸 “'Why are you so afraid, men weak in faith?' Then, getting up, he threatened the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. ” Mt 8.26

The causes and consequences of natural laws created by God follow each other in perfect order. So a single hair does not fall from our head without God being aware. And when contemplating nature, we perceive God's will as the root cause of all the causes of Creation. God is above everything that happens to us. If we are His children ... What do we fear?

13th Tuesday in Ordinary Time . . 🇮🇹 “'Why are you so afraid, men weak in faith?' Then, getting up, he threatened the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. ” Mt 8.26

The causes and consequences of natural laws created by God follow each other in perfect order. So a single hair does not fall from our head without God being aware. And when contemplating nature, we perceive God's will as the root cause of all the causes of Creation. God is above everything that happens to us. If we are His children ... What do we fear?

13th Tuesday in Ordinary Time . . 🇱🇻 “'Why are you so afraid, men weak in faith?' Then, getting up, he threatened the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. ” Mt 8.26

The causes and consequences of natural laws created by God follow each other in perfect order. So a single hair does not fall from our head without God being aware. And when contemplating nature, we perceive God's will as the root cause of all the causes of Creation. God is above everything that happens to us. If we are His children ... What do we fear?

13th Tuesday in Ordinary Time . . 🏳'' Quid timidi estis, homines infirmi in fide? ' Deinde sursum questus, comminátus est spirítui ventis et mari et facta est tranquillitas magna. " Mk 8,26

Causas naturales effectus succedunt ordine a Deo creari. Ita unum ceciderit capillus de capite non sine Deo esse conscientiam. Et cum a contemplatione naturae, mater nostra, Dei autem voluntatis est radix omnium causas causa Creationis. Qui est super omnia Deus nobis fit. Si autem filii ... Quid metuis?

13 Martis per annum

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